Latin American and Latino Studies
Why Earn a Degree in Latin American and Latino Studies?
Students looking for a career or graduate school opportunity are likely to benefit from expertise on Latin America and Latino communities in the U.S.  Latin American societies are changing rapidly, with strong economic and political relations to the United States, China, Japan and Europe.  At the same time Latinos are now the largest minority group in the U.S. and comprise more than 40% of Hudson County residents. These changes will bring many new opportunities for careers in business, communication, criminal justice, education, health care, international affairs, law, marketing, publishing, politics, public advocacy, travel and tourism/hotel and restaurant management, and social work, to name but a few.  A graduate with expertise in Latin American and Latino Studies (LALS) will have an upper hand in this climate.
LALS courses can also be a form or personal growth and enrichment.  Many students have family origins in Latin America and the program can help develop a sense of self-awareness and belonging. Others may simply have an appreciation for learning about new cultures, especially those so related to the U.S.
What Degrees and Educational Activities are Offered?
The Latin American and Latino Studies Program offers a 30-credit major and an 18-credit minor that complements other degrees for both day and evening students. The curriculum is interdisciplinary and allows students to learn from a variety of perspectives such as the arts, business, biology, education, modern languages and literature, theology and the social sciences.
LALS collaborates with different university departments, student organizations, and community organizations on a variety of activities and events.