M.S. in Cyber Security
Join the elite professionals defending our world from cyber attacks. Want more information on the M.S. in Cyber Security program? Fill out our form and a representative will be in touch!

Join the elite professionals defending our world from cyber attacks.


Graduate STEM Programs at 羞羞视频羞羞视频

Cyber security is perhaps the most important topic in computer science today. Demand for cyber security professionals has exploded, both here in the US and globally, in the private and public sectors alike. Become one of these sought-after professionals with a Master’s in Cyber Security from 羞羞视频Peter’s University. In as little as a year and a half, you’ll learn how to defend information systems from cyber attacks, how to recover compromised systems, how to architect secure systems and so much more.

Our state-of-the-art Cyber Security Center was designed in collaboration with the , offering you a real-world learning environment unlike any other.

Our faculty are experts in blockchain and cryptocurrency. Students work on research projects with cutting-edge blockchain and cryptotechnologies. We host a range of events and programs to promote the knowledge of blockchain and cryptocurrency.

Join the battle against cyber threats and help make the world a safer, more secure place.


At A Glance
Degree: Master of Science in Cyber Security
Course Location: Jersey City Campus
Program Duration: 30 Credits: A full鈥恡ime student taking 24 credits/year should complete in 1.5 years.
Calendar: Trimester
Course Format: Classes meet in person Monday to Thursday from 6pm to 9:25pm.

Accelerated BS/BA to MS in Cyber Security Program

You can earn your undergraduate degree in Computer Science and a MS in Cyber Security in five years through our Accelerated Program.

Entrance into the MS Cyber Security Program is open to those students pursuing the BS in Computer Science, students in the Criminal Justice program if they are pursing a concentration in Cyber Security and Digital Forensics, Mathematics majors if they are minoring in Computer Science, and any student from any major that is minoring in Cyber Security or has completed an Internship in the University Cyber Security Center.

For more details, see the program description: Accelerated BS/BA to MS in Cyber Security Program.